
K. Jurée Capers is an assistant professor in the Department of Public Management and Policy at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies of Georgia State University.  She received her Ph.D in Political Science from Texas A&M University and holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in Political Science and Psychology from Winthrop University.  A scholar of public administration and public policy, she often addresses questions related to policy implementation and outcomes within the governance framework. Her research examines how governance in the broad sense affects each phase of policy— from agenda setting and policy design to policy outputs and outcomes.  Substantively, her research centers on social policy issues, particularly k-12 education, as it relates to racial and ethnic minorities and underrepresented groups.  Her recent work combines theories of bureaucratic representation, public management, and structure to understand the politics of school desegregation and its effect on student outcomes. Other topics of interest and research include higher education governance and management, and managerial networking behavior.